Sunday, January 30, 2011

6 Month Pictures

Last week Sawyer had his 6 month pictures taken at JC Penny's Portrait Studio. Yesterday I got them back along with a CD that has all of the images on it. My mom came into town on Monday, she has been enjoying the time she has got to spend with Sawyer. Sawyer is growing and changing so much!

A couple days ago Grandma Judy, Sawyer, and I went shopping in Highland Village. Sawyer pooped his pants which went through his pants and all up his back through his shirt. Of course, my luck I had packed an extra pair of pants, but I forgot to pack the shirt. He had a bib in his diaper bag that matches one of his onesies which I assumed was really in the bag. Thankfully we were at a mall. I got Sawyer dressed in his extra pair of pants, wrapped him up in his blanket and we took him to buy a new shirt (it was 75 degree's outside). I'm sure that won't be my first "mom" moment like that.

Enjoy pictures of this smiley little guy:

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mmmm ...Avocado!

Sawyer had his first taste of "real" food tonight!!

He had pureed avocado and loved every bit of it. Matt fed it to him while I video taped and took pictures. It was about 1/4th of an avocado mixed with a couple tablespoons of breast milk and he ate it all. He grabbed the spoon a couple of times to help and wasn't too messy while eating. We decided it was best this first time to just strip him down to his diaper and see what happened. Enjoy pictures:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sawyer's Half Birthday

Happy Half Birthday Sawyer!!!

I can't believe it's already been six months since Sawyer was born. The time has gone so fast and it's only going to keep going faster. I can't even begin to explain how truly amazing the last six months of my life have been. Sawyer brings such joy and happiness to my life. Don't get me wrong these last six months have been difficult at times. There have been late nights, sleepless nights, scary nights with temperatures, and a lot of poopy diapers. However, none of that can take away from the feeling I get when I wake up in the morning to sweet baby Sawyer noises while he plays in his crib, the smile I get when he first see's me in the morning as I go pick him up out of his crib, the first time he smiled while looking into my eyes, the first time he laughed, or even the first time I held him in my arms. Being a mom is the best gift that God as given me. The past four years of my life have not been easy with my Dad being sick, then passing away, and learning how to move on and still enjoy life without him. However, God has shown me through Sawyer the miracle of life and that it's still ok to enjoy life and be silly even though my Dad is no longer around. I'm looking forward to the next ix months that I get to spend with Sawyer. I know that he is going to continue to grow and change so quickly. I try not to take a day for granted that I get to spend with my son. I know that these days won't last long even though some may feel long to me right now. Have you ever heard the song "It Won't Be Like This For Long," by Darius Rucker? That song often goes through my mind late at night. It helps me to relax and enjoy even the moments when Sawyer is crying and I can't do anything to calm him down.

Last night Sawyer slept from 11:00 until 3:00 and then ate and slept until 9:00, I can handle that! He also napped well today. Paul, Becky, Matt, and I all went and ate at Chick-Fil-A today and celebrated Sawyer's half birthday. Then Matt, Sawyer, and I just came back and relaxed at home for a bit. This e vening we went and ate at Quizno's and went grocery shopping. Matt layed Sawyer down for bed at 10:30 so we will see how sleep goes tonight. Tomorrow is our last day with Matt before he leaves for 3 weeks. He is traveling to Miami for work until the middle of February. My mom is coming to visit for a couple weeks though so I won't be alone for very long. Just 5 days.. which will feel like 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure I'm starting Sawyer on baby food tomorrow... be checking in for pictures!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lil Peanut

I can't believe that in less than a week my "lil peanut" (as his shirt says) is going to be 6 months old!! Where has the past 6 months gone? I'm amazed and how much he has grown and changed right before my eyes. I'm watching him in the Johnny Jump Up right now just kind of spinning in circles because he hasn't really figured out the jumping part yet. He's sticking his fingers in his mouth and trying to chew on a stuffed dog at the same time. I definitely think he's teething, STILL. It makes me laugh how much he is into seeing how things work lately. We have the type of washer and dryer where you load it in the front and can see the clothes spinning through the door. Whenever I walk by while holding Sawyer he will turn his head any way he can do he can get a good view of what is going on. I could go on about the little things Sawyer does that amaze me but I can tell my the little cries coming from the Johnny Jump Up that I don't have long. Time to go get the "lil peanut" and find some thing else to do.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Some Sleep

Sawyer slept from midnight until 5:30 am this morning. he hate and then went back to sleep until 8:30. I'm hoping this means he is starting to feel better. I thought about going to MOPS today, but he still has a pretty bad cough and I would hate to wear him out or get any other kids sick. I think I'll start next week just to be safe. Sawyer and I did get out together yesterday and get some things done. It seems like he sleeps better at night when we don't just stay home all day. I think we might try to get out and do a few things today.

Short post, he's done playing by himself and wants my attention :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

5 Month Old Sawyer Pictures

Matt's Cousin's (Dalton's) girlfriend (Hannah) took pictures of Sawyer and some of Sawyer and I together and gave them to us for Christmas. Here are a few of them:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sick Baby

Sawyer still isn't feeling well. His cough doesn't seem to be getting better and he's really fussy. I still haven't had to sleep holding him upright which I'm thankful for. However, he isn't sleeping too great, but when was he? :) His little nose is so runny and he hates when I suck his snot out of his nose. Last night or early this morning I guess I should say he woke up around 5 am and wouldn't stop crying. I changed his diaper, gave him acetaminophen, sucked his snot out, put saline drops in his nose and fed him. It took awhile but he calmed down and went back to sleep. I hate seeing him not feel well. I'm hoping that over the weekend his cold hit the worst part and this week he will start to recover. Until he feels better I think we will be taking it easy around here. I was going to go to MOPS on Wednesday for the first time, but if Sawyer still doesn't feel well we might have to try next Wednesday instead.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sawyer's First Christmas

All dressed for Christmas

Sawyer all dressed on Christmas Day

Opening presents

checking out what's in his stocking

the view outside of the snow

picture with daddy and snow

Christmas morning with Daddy

Christmas Eve

We left for Tennessee when Matt got off work on Thursday December 23rd. We flew into Atlanta and then drove with Matt's Aunt Tammy from Atlanta to Chattanooga (about a 2 hour drive). We had a lot of fun staying up and talking with everyone. Sawyer didn't want to go to sleep either (surprise). Christmas Eve was spent hanging out at Granny's house with everyone. We opened one present which ended up being P.J's. All of the grandkids matched, the boys matched, and the girls matched. Santa even came to visit the kids on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Day we were lucky enough to wake up to a white Christmas. It was absolutely beautiful. Sawyer slept most of Christmas, he opened his presents and then napped while everyone else opened theirs and played outside.

(Elliot, Micah, Kenzie, Sawyer, and Camden)

We had to leave on Monday (December 27th) to head back to Texas. We were originally supposed to leave at 4:30pm, but didn't make our flight because we were stuck in traffic. We ended up leaving at 10:30 and made it home at 1:00 am. Sawyer was worn out after our eventful day.

Yesterday (December 31) Sawyer had to go to the Doctor for his first sick visit. He started with a cough when we were in Tennessee, but it seemed more like a fake cough he was using to get attention. However, it got worse and on the night of the 30th Sawyer literally woke up at 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. He would stay awake for 30 minutes and then only sleep for 30 minutes. He was coughing and had a runny nose that was making it difficult for him to breathe. The doctor said that he either has a cold or a mild case of RSV. In which case we can't do anything for either and said that it should take about 2 weeks to run its course. Yesterday I went out and bought a cold mist humidifier and we have been using the nasal aspirator quite a bit. Being sick isn't a fun way to spend your first New Years Eve. Oh well, pray that he continues to get better and can rest easier at night. The doctor said I could spend a few nights sleeping with him held upright in a recliner. Luckily, we haven't had to do that yet. Last night Sawyer fell asleep 5 minutes before midnight only to wake up 4 times between 12 and 1. Then decided that he was going to stay awake until 3:30 in the morning. Thankfully he was able to sleep from 3:30 am until 9:45 am straight. He really needed the rest. When Sawyer was weighed at the doctor they said he was 17 pounds 4 ounces. I think that's all of the updating I have for now.