Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's amazing, time is going so fast! I can't believe that 6 months ago Sawyer was barely saying anything and now he can say sentences with 3-4 words in them at a time. We have moved into our new place which finally allows us to have a small yard, driveway, and neighborhood park to play at. Some of Sawyer's favorite things to do are play with chalk and at the park. Each morning Sawyer wakes up I feel like he has grown so much. There are so many moments I wish that I could freeze frame time. In September we went to Texas for Cody and Jacy DeArmond's wedding, Sawyer was the ring bearer. Sawyer looked more adorable than ever, but he didn't want to listen to me or Matt and he was awful the whole day! Some day it will be fun to share stories of that whole day with him.  I haven't posted pictures of my little man in a while so here are a few of my favorites: 

 Sawyer's Second Birthday Party

 Sawyer's first boat ride

 Outside Playing with Chalk Together

 Drinking Chocolate Milk and Spider House in Austin, TX

 Sweet Kisses From My Sweet Little Boy

 I miss my dad so much... but there are his eyes and his silly personality

 Playing with the magnifying glass at Great-Grandpa Lew's

 Handsome boy at his 2 year old party

 Sawyer loves taking his favorite toys, this is part of the kitchen set Lyndsay gave him

 Pushing cousin Landon around in the dump truck Uncle Tyler gave him for his birthday

 Looking at the sheep together at the State Fair (Sawyer even got to pet it)

Sawyer and I went to the Nebraska State Fair together (first time for both of us)

 Riding a tractor at the Nebraska State Fair

Ring Bearer in Cody and Jacy DeArmond's wedding

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's All Going So Fast!

Wow, I can't believe it has been almost 6 months since I have written in here. So much has changed since then I don't even know where to begin! Sawyer started walking mid October, right before Halloween. He has also been talking so much he can say Doggie, Howie, Mama, Daddy, Ready, Go, Love you, bye bye, hi, hello, Elmo, and really the list goes on and on. My little man cracks me up and makes me smile every single day. Last week Matt taught Sawyer how to "fist pump." One morning Sawyer walks out of his room going DA DA DA DA while pumping his fist into the air.

Sawyer also got his first hair cut right after Thanksgiving. He really needed it, everywhere we went people kept tell me that, "She looked so cute," that's when you know it is time. He also has just had his second hair cut 2 days ago. I always thought that I would never be the mom who gets attached to my childs hair and let it grow ridiculously long. So I learned, that most of the time I'm sure I will end up being the "Mom I never thought I would be," but I bet that happens to a lot of people.

We celebrated Thanksgiving in Texas this year with Matt's whole entire family and extended family. It was really a lot of fun and we got to be down there for about a week. For Christmas we spent it in Omaha. Christmas Eve we went to my Aunt Susan's house for Oyster Stew with her and my Grandpa and then on Christmas Day we stayed at home just the three of us and I attempted to make Matt's Mom's Cream Cheese Bread recipe. I think next year I'm going to watch her make it.

I really want to start writing in here again so I can remember all of the funny silly things my little man does, because he really does a lot. Like yesterday, he got in the cupboard and tried to shut himself in. Which then Lyndsay showed him how to criss-cross his legs and she shut the cupboard for him while he would say, "ready, bye-bye" then scream with excitement when she shut the door. He would push it open and yell BOO!!!! We spent at least 15-20 minutes cracking up laughing at him.

One thing I love about Sawyer (among the millions and billions of things I love) is how much he loves to dance. He dances to everything! His little car that plays music, he dances, he stacks rings and it plays music, he dances. We are walking somewhere and I'm holding him and he hears music he will start dancing in my arms. It's not just the dancing that makes me laugh it is is silly dance moves and how happy he is.

Saturday I'm really looking forward to taking Sawyer to go and see Sesame Street Live: Elmo Makes Music. Two reasons, 1: He loves music and 2: he loves Elmo :). I think my little man is going to be beyond excited tomorrow. Can't wait!!