Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sawyer's First Outing and Pictures From the Hospital

Sawyer Dale Moore was born on July 17, 2010 at 12:41pm. It was about 5:00 am in the morning when I started having contractions. At first I thought that it was just going to be Braxton Hicks contractions and it would pass. After a little while it wasn't going away and Matt woke up wondering if I was ok. I told him I was pretty sure I was having contractions. So we layed in bed for a little bit and began to time how long they were and how far apart they were. Then we got up and walked around a little bit. Matt called the hospital and we started to get all of our bags together to go. It was about 7:00 am when we went into the hospital. I ended up getting an epideral a few hours later, I can't remember what time because I was more focused on other things. Then at 12:41 pm Sawyer was born. Sawyer, Matt, and I had a lot of visitors. My mom (Judy), Matt's Mom (Becky), Matt's Dad (Paul), Dani Bachman who was my roommate in college, James Fonda and Mark Wong who are Matt's friends from college, Matt's brother Tim and his girlfriend Kim, Matt's oldest brother Scott, his wife Amelia, and their two boys Micah and Elliot. It was so nice to have so much family there with us. Our first day home from the hospital was on the 19th and after 2 days in the hospital we were all ready to be home.

Today was Sawyer's first outing. Nothing too exciting, just his first visit to see the pediatrician. His appointment was at 1:00 and we didn't get done until about 3:30. They had to test him for jaundice because they thought he was looking pretty yellow and had to prick his heel three times to get enough blood out. Poor little Sawyer had a rough day, which then lead to a lot of napping later on. My mom and my roommate from college are still in town, my mom has almost been here for three weeks and Dani will leave on Friday after being here for a week. It's been wonderful having their help along with the help of Granny and Grandpa Moore too. Matt and I are beginning to adjust to our new sleep schedule. I still can't believe that Sawyer is finally here with us. I love being able to look over into his bassinet and see him sleeping. He is so precious and I love him so much. I'll post pictures of his first outing soon. Until then, enjoy the pictures from when Sawyer was in the hospital.


  1. Yay! I was hoping you would start a blog! Welcome to the mommy blogosphere! =) Hopefully you will do a better job than me keeping yours updated. Can't wait to see you on Saturday! =)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS Stacy and Matt! What fun you'll have with your darling baby boy! I loved seeing the pictures but can't wait to see Sawyer in person! Love, Aunt Susan
