Sawyer had a good night last night he slept for about 3-4 hours at a time, except at 2:30 am he woke up to eat and have his diaper changed and enjoyed spending an hour looking around the room at things and rocking in the rocking chair. This afternoon was fun, Grandma Judy gave Sawyer his first sponge bath. He seems so strong already he is lifting his head and trying to look around a lot. He is also making plenty of cute baby noises that I can't get enough of. Before the first bath pictures are some pictures from Sawyer's first outing and the night before.
Sawyer snuggling with Daddy
Sawyer getting ready for his first sponge bath

Getting his eyes all clean

Grandma Judy cleaning up Sawyer

Sawyer all bundled up in his towel

Getting dressed after the bath

The little monkey on his bottom

Sawyer's little monkey outfit
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