Sad to see Grandma leave

Getting ready to leave for the airport

On our way to the airport :(

Grandma Judy telling Sawyer bye

Sawyer enjoying his little swing from Christa
Sawyer slept pretty well again last night, only waking up a few times :). Today my mom had to leave and go back to Oregon. It wasn't easy to tell her bye after having her here for 3 weeks. It was a really nice time together though she helped me get everything ready for Sawyer and helped me pack my bag and Sawyer's bag for the hospital. Not to mention we got to go shopping and have pedicures too. It was also wonderful having her here for when Sawyer was born, and after so they could spend some time together. It's hard having her leave knowing Sawyer will have changed so much the next time they see each other. Luckily, there are things such as Skype and Blogs so she can still see pictures of him daily. Matt's brother Tim also left to go back today and Brent (Kerri's Husband) had to leave yesterday to go back to work, it was fun having everyone together for the weekend. Now only if Ron, Scott, Amelia, their kids, and my Brother Tyler and his Wife Tammy could have been here I think it would have been perfect.
We have to go back to the Pediatrician for Sawyer's 2 week check up on Wednesday, and after our adventure last time which consisted of a 3 hour doctor's appointment, Sawyer's heel getting pricked three times, and Sawyer pooping so much that we ran out of diapers. I'm definitely not looking forward to this visit, lets pray this one goes a little easier and I'll be bringing a lot more diapers with me.
my heart hurt to leave ... i will be back mom/grandma