My little man is a month old already, I can't believe it. Today was his one month check-up. He weighed 10 pounds 14.8 ounces which put him in the 75th percentile for weight. He was 21.5 inches long, which put him in the 55th percentile for height and I don't know what his head circumference was, but he was in the 55th percentile for the size of his head also. Overall, Sawyer seems to being growing great! He definitely has reflux going on so they put him on a prescription to help with that. I really hope it helps his tummy to feel better. He also has Thrush so they gave us medicine for that as well and said that it could be contributing to why he has been screaming and crying so much lately. Lastly, they gave us a multivitamin so he can make sure he is getting enough vitamin D. Sawyer is smiling more and more every day, but it is still hard to tell if he is smiling randomly because of gas and sweet dreams or if he is really smiling at us. Yesterday we went out to lunch at Chick-Fil-A and as we were getting ready to leave I got a picture of Sawyer with my cell phone where he has a little smile on his face, plus he looks pretty darn cute in his hat.
Sawyer slept for about 5 hours last night! Today, Sawyer took another bath and got all clean for the doctor. Then he slept most of the afternoon in his swing. Here are some more pictures from today.
Sawyer waking up this morning

Sawyer sleeping on my lap tonight
i need to kiss that face... i love him!