Its only 8:50 am here and it's already been an exciting day :). Last night was a rough one, Matt took the "first shift" and stayed up with Sawyer until I'm not really sure what time because he let me sleep. Then this morning when Sawyer woke up I had "2nd shift" and let Matt sleep. Sawyer has been having problems spitting up excessively, sometime even an hour after he eats. He has also been gagging a lot and screaming after not eating for very long. I called the Pediatrician yesterday and she said that Sawyer most likely has GER, for now she just gave me tips on how to try and keep him from spitting up such as: propping him up when he sleeps, burping after he eats on each side, and keeping him propped up for 15 to 20 minutes after eating. First day attempt at all of that didn't help much. She said that if that doesn't help then they will give us drops to give him when we see the Doctor on the 19th for his one month old check-up. That could make for a long 6 more days if the tips she gave us don't start working soon.
So this morning after 2 hours of a screaming baby and nothing working to calm him down, I stuck him in his car seat and we went for a ride. It was my first outing just the two of us. We went to Starbucks and listened to Ella Fitzgerald along the way. I'm not sure at what point Sawyer fell asleep, I do know that he was at least relaxed for most of it and enjoyed the ride. By the end of my car ride this is what the results were:

Sawyer sound asleep (yay!)

and me... wide awake... Starbucks was a bad idea (ignore my hair.. it has been a long morning).
well, at least you are smiling ha ... good job! it's tough but you are a good momma.