Once again it has been awhile since I have posted. It seems like that happens when we get busy traveling all over the place. My friend Lauren came to visit for a week and see Sawyer then Sawyer and I went and visited my Mom in Oregon for three weeks then were only home in Texas for one week before leaving for Omaha to see my friend Lauren get married. On our way to Omaha we stopped in Arkansas to see Aunt Kerri, Uncle Brent, Kenzie, Camden and the new addition, baby Dawson. After another vacation of 2 1/2 weeks we made it make to Texas a week before Sawyer's first birthday to start getting ready. My mom came in town along with Matt's mom, dad, brother Tim, and sister Keri and her kids for Sawyer's birthday. We celebrated over at Matt's Aunt Tricia's house where we could fit more people. There was a baby pool and a giant water slide for all of the kids to enjoy. Sawyer's birthday theme was Curious George and he even had a Curious George birthday cake. Sawyer liked the frosting but when didn't like when I put his hand in the frosting and his hands were really messy. When I cut him a slice of cake and fed it to him he spit it out right away. I guess he isn't a big cake fan.
Lately Sawyer has been eating and sleeping a lot. He has been sleeping anywhere between 12-14 hours at night and taking two 2 hour naps a day. He eats three meals which when we have gone out to dinner are the kids portion sizes and he eats it all along with eating 3 snacks a day. I wonder what in the world my little man is getting ready to do!? Sawyer also has 2 of his one year molars coming in on the top and one of his front bottom teeth making an appearance. Yesterday we changed him over to his big boy car seat, but he still has to rear face, which really doesn't look comfortable but I know is safe. His exersaucer also was taken apart yesterday. So many new changes in the life of my one year old. I can't believe how big he is.
Sawyer is such a happy baby.. or toddler... He is constantly smiling or laughing. I can tell that he loves making other's smile and will go out of his way to flirt with other people in public. His crazy curly hair gives him so much personality and he has the biggest blue eyes. I know I am his mom, but my little boy is beautiful not only on the outside, but the inside too.
It is so strange to look back at old posts and see how little sleep I was getting and how tiny Sawyer was. That only feels like a few months ago to me now. Time is going by so fast I wish I could freeze Sawyer and keep him this small for just a little longer. Here are some pictures from the past couple of months:
When Lauren came to visit

Taking a nap with Grandma
Sawyer with me... not too happy
Checking out the beach
Grandma and Sawyer at the beach
Sawyer, me, and Grandma at Multnomah Falls

Sawyer stepped on his pants and pulled them down at Grandma's
Opening presents

Sawyer's birthday cake

Sawyer's smash cake
Eating hot dogs for the first time
Licking the frosting off of his fingers
He did not like having dirty hands after I stuck them in his cake
The water slide (Sawyer did not go down it) is as big as the house!
It's amazing how fast they grow! I'm so glad he's sleeping and eating so well...he's finally getting the hang of it! I can't wait to see you two soon and get some good snuggle time with Sawyer! He and piper will have fun showing each other their new tricks. :) see you soon and love you both. --christa and family