Time is flying! Sawyer was 8 months old on St. Patricks Day and by the time I'm finally posting this it's about 2 more weeks until he is 9 months old. He's army crawling and getting up on hands and knees and rocking. He can move one knee forward before falling down. I know that any day now he will be crawling. I'm excited, but I know he will be on the go and keeping me busy. The past 2 days Sawyer has been saying ma ma ma (yay!). This week Matt's parent's came to visit and we got to spend some time with them. Sawyer loved getting to see his Granny and Grandpa. Sawyer went swimming last Saturday for the first time. He wasn't too sure what to think about it and held tightly onto my neck the whole time while attempting many times to crawl up my body. This week however he started to like it more at the end. He let go of me, faced outward and played in the water much more. Here are pictures:

Little man is 8 months old on St. Patricks Day
Getting ready to go to first swim lesson with Mommy

all ready to go!

2nd day of swim lessons and still not so sure about it
2nd day and still not wanting to let go yet

woo hoo let go by the end of swim lessons today!
'lil' man with his momma swimming, how absolutely wonderful. he may not look like he's having a good time:) but he know's he secure in your arms! i love these pictures! sawyer getting ready to go swimming in his "monkey" swimsuit, which is down to his knees :) the picture of you holding him with his face right next to yours..so beautiful. the picture of him turn around with his wet curly hair and your wonderful smile. he looks so much like you:) ..you had a baby 9 months ago and you are in a two piece.."you go girl" i never looked at a 2 piece again after having children:) i love you mom/grandma