Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Teething Four Month Old

I thought I would finally have a moment to blog, but I'm pretty sure I just heard a little voice over the monitor. So, we'll see how much I can get in before he starts to cry instead of talk to himself in the room. I can't believe that Sawyer was four months old yesterday. On November 12, Sawyer rolled over for his Great Uncle Brad. Brad had no idea it had been awhile since Sawyer's first time of rolling over. Matt and I had been cheering Sawyer on for weeks now when he made it as far as his side, I still haven't seen him roll over. Although the second I walk away with him on his tummy I come back to find him laying on his back. He is a sneaky one.

Sawyer has also been teething lately. This has made for long, late, sleepless nights. It's hard to see him in pain and not be able to calm him down. We've tried the tylenol, cool teething rings, and teething gel. Not much seems to help him much. Anyone have any other ideas?

It's amazing it's already been four months since Sawyer was born, I can't imagine my life without him. He brings such happiness to my life. Of course we have some pretty rough days together, but his big smile or laugh can always seem to brighten my day.

Matt started work last Wednesday (Nov. 10) and he LOVES his job. I am now a full-time stay at home mom. Ok, I still have a little help from Matt's Aunt Tricia and Dalton's girlfriend Hannah. I do a lot of it on my own still because Tricia and Hannah both work. It's been interesting finding time to eat.. shower.. and go to the bathroom. Sawyer and I are figuring it out together. The weather here in Texas is beautiful so Sawyer and I have got to go on a few walks together. He seems to love being outside still.

Ok.. that's all I can update now, someone is going from happy to frustrated and I want to go in and get him before frustrated turns into really angry.

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