Cody and Sawyer

Hannah and Sawyer

Dalton and Sawyer
Kinlee and Sawyer
Where do I even begin? So much has happened since I blogged last. Matt, Sawyer, and I traveled all over so Sawyer could meet a lot of his family and friends. At the end of September Matt left a week ahead of me to go to Texas and begin looking for jobs. The following week Me, Sawyer, and Granny left and drove to Denton, Texas to stay with Tricia, Brad, Dalton, Matson, and Connor. Our 12 hour car ride ended up turning into 16 hours with all of the stops we had to make to feed and change Sawyer. We also got to go to Matt's Uncle ,Tom's wedding while we were in Denton.We spent about a week in Denton and then went on to Wichita Falls, Texas where Matt grew up. Sawyer and I got a chance to see Matt's old house, his high school, and we even got to eat BOB's for breakfast. The Scarbrough's let us stay with them while we were in Wichita Falls. Sawyer also got to meet a few of Matt's friends while we were there. It was so neat to finally get the chance to see where Matt grew up.

Granny and Sawyer at Tom's Wedding
After Wichita Falls we drove 8 hours up to Hastings, Nebraska. It was homecoming weekend and we were excited to show Sawyer to our friends and a few professor's. We spent four nights in Hastings and then drove to Omaha to spend some time with my family. On October 12, 2010 while we were at my grandpa's house (Sawyer's Great Grandpa, Lew) Sawyer laughed for the first time it was so amazing. My mom was making silly faces and noises and got him to laugh. Matt, Dani, Great Grandpa, Grandma Judy, and I were all able to hear it.
My Grandpa and all of his great grandkids

4 Generations
Then, after spending a week in Omaha I flew to Oregon with my mom, Sawyer, and Ron. October 18, 2010 was the first time that Sawyer got to fly on an airplane. He did a pretty good job too. The only time he cried much on the first flight to Minneapolis was when we were landing. On the 2nd flight into Portland he had a little bit of a melt down in the middle of the flight but Grandma Judy took him to the back and held him for a little bit. It was so nice to get to spend time with my mom and Ron out in Oregon and they really enjoyed the time that they got to spend with Sawyer since my mom hadn't seen him since he was born and it was Ron's first time. While we were there Sawyer went to the beach for the first time, this was on October 29th. On October 28th, Sawyer found his hands and started to stare at them. It's so cute, he also loves to talk to them. Also while we were out in Portland Sawyer got his 3 month pictures taken. I'm really looking forward to getting them back and seeing what they look like.

Grandma and Sawyer at the beach
Yesterday (November 3rd) Sawyer and I (Yes, just Sawyer and I) flew back to Texas to meet up with Matt. Sawyer was excited to see his Daddy, it had been a long time, 2 and a half weeks. The plane ride went smooth for the most part. I met a few rude people on my first flight followed by meeting some of the nicest people ever on my 2nd flight. I think Sawyer is a little worn out today from all of the traveling. No more traveling for a little while. At least not until we have to go back to Tennessee to move everything out! We almost have a place to call home because...
Matt got a job!! We are moving to Denton, Texas!! Matt's job is in Frisco, so he will have to commute about 45 minutes every day, which stinks a little bit. He will have to travel for his job so living in Denton puts me close to family in case I would ever need help. The job that Matt took is with Fiserv, he will be a Conversion/Install Analyst and his first day is November 9, 2010! Sawyer is so excited and proud of his Daddy.
I'm amazed and how much Sawyer has grown over the last month. He is started to talk so much more than before and make more sounds than just ooohh and ahhh. You can hear a few d's, p's, b's, m's, and r's in his babble. He's smiling so much and only laugh's occasionally. He's starting to become more sensitive to sounds. Even a cough can scare him. Whenever Sawyer gets scared he sticks out his bottom lip and curls it then turns bright red, followed by a scream. Being a mom is wonderful. There is nothing better than waking up to Sawyer's smiling face every morning and listening to him talk to himself for a little bit while he is in bed. He brings so much happiness into my life. I didn't know you could love some one so little so much.