Sawyer on his way to watch his first tennis match... me and Matt haha (9/19/2010)

Yes.. we took Sawyer and his swing out to the tennis courts while we played tennis.

He was hiding.. afraid he might get hit or something, just kidding. We did surround him with objects though in case a ball went his way.

Sawyer in the Bumbo.. he loves it! (9/20/2010)
his expressions are very animated :) just like his momma. okay saw the sailor/crab outfit in a picture you sent. but, the crab shoes..so cute :) the pictures of him sitting in his "bumbo"..i want to squeeze him. he is definetly a fausset, looks so much like his grandpa dale and his momma..and yes i know his feet look like mine..that's all i get, but i'll take it. i love you mom/grandma judy