Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Oh to be 3

Potty Training

Sunday September 22nd Sawyer and I took a trip to the "Underwear Store" to begin the potty training process (see picture below). Sara from daycare thought that if we put Sawyer in underwear with a pull up over top he wouldn't like the feeling of being wet because some times Sawyer can be a little OCD ;). We had no luck in the potty that day just a couple of accidents. However, Sara was right...

Sawyer went on the potty for the first time on Monday September 23rd it happened in the evening. I was so excited because Matt and I both got to be home to celebrate and jump up and down with him. Going potty right before dinner time also meant that we got to go get Icecream before dinner to celebrate (see picture below).

I was really nervous about starting potty training and unsure if I was going to have enough time to dedicate. Luckily Sawyer caught on quickly. September 30th Sawyer had his first day at home with no accidents, October 1st Sawyer had his first day at daycare with no accidents (we have yet to poop in the potty). The night of October 1st into today Sawyer stayed dry all night long! Which meant we got to jump up and down scream and celebrate yet again. We also went and picked up donuts to take to daycare and share the good news with all of his friends. As nervous as I was for potty training, I have had so much fun and it hasn't been that awful (yet).

I have really enjoyed celebrating all of Sawyer's big accomplishments with him. I love seeing the joy on his face. You can tell how proud he is of himself, as he should be. I just love sharing it with him. I love listening to him yell with excitment, "MOOOOMMMMMMYYY I PEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!" I love that he wants to tell everyone that he peed in the potty. It just makes me so happy to see him happy. It makes me so excited to continue to go through life with this little boy and share in all of his joys and accomplishments along the way.

I love helping him learn how to pull his pants up and down and see how independent he tries to be as he does it himself (see picture below).

We also had Sawyer's 3 year old pictures along with some family pictures taken in September by Melinda Marie Photography. I included some of those pictures below.
Underwear Store

Ice cream!!

Sawyer pulled his own pants up
My sweetie

I love this happy face

Sawyer did an awesome job with pictures

Love this face

Daddy with Sawyer

Upside down Sawyer (this is Sawyer's favorite picture)

Family picture

I love these kisses

My favorite family picture

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It always ends up amazing me how long I go without writing in here. Sawyer is starting to talk so much more and he says the funniest things. The other day our conversation went some thing like this:

(It is almost bed time)
Me: "Man I am pooped."
Sawyer: "You pooped Mommy?? You poop on the floor?!"
Me: "(laughing) No Sawyer I'm tired.. I'm pooped."
Sawyer: "Oh no! You poop on the floor?! GO TO TIME OUT MOMMY!!"

and lately it has been, "Gus, you are ridiculous!"

... and of course over the weekend he was sitting upstairs watching TV on our bed and came downstairs with poop all over his hands informing us he had pooped. Life is never dull with him around and he always knows how to make me smile. I'm going to try and stay updated on little "Sawyerisms" if possible.

Some Sawyer Pictures:
Playing outside

At the dinner table

Kissing Daddy

Eating doughnuts at church

pretending to be sick

Super Sawyer!!!

At the Zoo

Watching Dora