I was sitting here looking at old pictures of Sawyer and I can't help but think how thankful I am for him and how blessed I feel. Sawyer brings so much joy and happiness to my life. He really isn't a fussy baby he is very laid back, happy, and content. I love watching him explore his world and figure out life. Last night Matt and I went on a date and took Sawyer to his Aunt Tricia's house. I loved getting to spend some quality time with Matt, but at the same time I couldn't help but constantly think of my little boy and how much I missed him. At the end of the night it felt good to see him and hug him.
On Friday May 13th Sawyer and I went with a couple other girls and their little boys to the Grapevine Main Street Festival. Sawyer even go to check out the petting zoo, he loved looking at the goats, llamas, chickens, and bunnies. He kept sticking his hands out to touch them and squealed with happiness the whole time. We were only outside a few hours and I did put 60 SPF sunscreen on Sawyer's body. However, he still got sunburned a little on the left side of his face and one spot on his chest. I called the pediatrician for the first time just to make sure he was ok. Sawyer also started clapping about two weeks ago and he loves to crawl all around the apartment to explore things.