Yesterday Sawyer and I went to the Dallas Arboretum with Matt's cousin's Kristi and Shana along with their kids: Emerson, Nola, Shayden and Bishop. It was a lot of fun the flowers were absolutely beautiful. Sawyer did a great job riding around in the stroller and looking at the flowers. For lunch Sawyer enjoyed his first picnic and touching grass for the first time. Immediately after lunch when Sawyer got back in the stroller he fell asleep for the rest of the Arboretum trip. Sawyer's fourth tooth (front right one) finally came through on Sunday! Enjoy some pictures from our trip:

Some of the flowers we saw
Posing by the tulips
It was chilly at the beginning of the day
Eating cheerios and checking out flowers
Riding around in the stroller looking at all of the tulips and fairy castles

Sawyer in front of Beauty and the Beast castle
snacking on cheerios

playing outside

Sawyer checking out the grass for the first time

Sawyer and me enjoying the picnic
Sawyer was tired and fell asleep, hanging out with his cousin Nola
Sleepy baby, he had so much fun